Investigation of the relationship between the amino acid and acylcarnitine serum metabolomics profile and liver profile with care and complications of type 2 diabetes: a population-based observational study of diabetes care (DiaCare study)
In this study, we will examine the relationship between metabolites and diabetes care, which is being comprehensively addressed for the first time in Iran.

Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disorder associated with insulin resistance, impaired insulin signaling, beta-cell dysfunction, abnormal glucose levels, altered lipid metabolism, subclinical inflammation, and increased oxidative stress. Amino acids (AAs) are the building blocks of proteins and play important roles in gene expression, cell signaling, reproduction, neurotransmission, metabolism, oxidative stress, pain control, inflammatory responses, and detoxification. Disturbances in the plasma free amino acid metabolome have been observed in diabetes and are associated with insulin resistance as well as the onset of cardiovascular disease in this population. There is evidence of a link between the management of fatty liver risk factors and diabetes care. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with insulin resistance, and ruling out the possibility of diabetes in individuals with evidence of fatty liver is important. Therefore, to improve the health of diabetic patients and reduce severe outcomes, it is necessary to distinguish the molecular changes that occur in the development of diabetes. In this study, we will examine the relationship between metabolites and diabetes care, which is being comprehensively addressed for the first time in Iran.